2021.06 連盟会報No.46
ワークショップ / カルチャークラス
Workshops / Cultureclasses
Workshop and Culture Classes will be offered during the Symposium. Each registrant will be able to attend up to 3 classes. Please choose one class each from SESSION A, B & C. You will need to submit your first and second choices per session.
Registration period: May 30 - June 20 (JST)
*Please be noted that you may not be able to attend your first choice due to class limits
*All registrants must register. All group members will need to register individually.
*Non-Ringers are eligible to sign up for workshop/culture classes.
*You can change your choices as long as it is BEFORE the deadline - June 20th.
*Make sure you sign up with your personal registration ID number (issued to every registrant)
*Class selections will be announced at time of the Symposium Registration (August 12th). We will not be able to answer any inquries regarding the selection.
Symposium Choir (MIRAI Choir)
The MIRAI Choir will meet using ALL the workshop session (6 hours). The MIRAI Choir will perform at the Charity Concert on August 16. There will be four choirs to choose from.